Monday, March 29, 2010

Maine 365


Maine Antiques.  A picture for a rainy day.  This traveling trunk and rocking chair was my great, great, great grandmother Abby Wooster Howe’s.  She brought them (before the 1890’s) from North Haven island where the Wooster family was one of the original settlers of the island to the Howe Homestead on Howe Hill in Camden.  She married Herbert Howe who was born, lived and died in Camden.  Herbert and Abby had three children Oscar, Alice and Walter mentioned in the previous blog.  The rocking chair and trunk were given to me by my grandmother Charlotte Hunt Pease who is the granddaughter of Alice Howe Hunt.  The rocking chair was on the Howe Homestead until Walter Howe’s death in 1990. 

Map picture

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