Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Don’t Get Ugly at Me Now

vermillion evening (2) 

Most of you might not know that I am a native Mainer and I married someone from away.  Well, I hate to admit this, but I actually lived away for a while and that’s how I met that someone I married who is from away.  The “away” term brings me to my story line.  My husband and I moved here from Maryland and bought a Laundromat/ Dry Cleaner/ Tanning business in the picturesque town of Camden.  Did you notice all of the slashes?  Those of you running a small business in Maine may be very familiar with slashes in what your business offers.  I find Mainers and those from away who start businesses here are very resourceful.  We do what it takes to make a living.  After owning the cleaners for a very short time, my husband learned that he was from “away” – not from Maine.  The folks who came in were of course very nice to him, but he began to develop a problem with them.  He needed a translator.  When customers came in to use our washers because theirs were all stove up (messed up/ broken/ wrecked), he had no idea what they were talking about.  One day a customer came to tan with the last name Thay-yuh.  My husband had to come get me to help him find the tanning card for Thayer.  He was truly confused.  As time went on he understood more and people got less ugly (Maine term for mad) at him for not getting what they were saying.  He continues to learn new Maine terms every year.  This year, after the birth of our son, he learned our baby was right cunnin (very cute) from the ladies at the bank.   He has also learned how to have a rip staving good time ( a lot of fun) in Maine.  So, if you’re Meandering around Maine and find yourself needing a translator, know you are not alone.  As far as we Mainers, we are proud we have our own secret language – always knowing it takes a Mainer to know a Mainer.


Picture above by Noah Magro

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